Friday, May 15, 2020
Running your own business from home offers you a chance to be your own boss and have control over your life. But do you know if you have the right coverage in your home insurance for your business? The answer to this question depends largely on what provisions are in your home insurance for a b... READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 When starting a freelance business, many people don't think of themselves as contractors. On the contrary, those who work for clients under a contract to complete a job within certain parameters can be considered contractors. Many freelancers may not think they need insurance at all. READ MORE >>
Monday, March 23, 2020 Right in the phrase "commercial auto insurance," you have auto, for automotive. That means a vehicle that is automatically powered — not something you have to push, row or pedal. But, if you're running a business on your bicycle, you don't want to go without insurance. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 20, 2020 What happens if you let your home insurance lapse? Possibly nothing at all. Unlike car insurance or workers compensation insurance, home insurance is not required by law. Whether you buy insurance or not is entirely at your discretion, at least from a legal standpoint. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 20, 2020 If the belongings in your home are damaged or destroyed by a covered event, your insurance company will cover them up to the limits of your personal property coverage. Exactly how much you receive will depend on the options you chose when you purchased your home insurance policy. Repair Cost READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 18, 2019 New homes pop up every day with more advanced and expensive equipment than ever. The homebuilding industry is growing fast, and it's more important than ever for businesses to carry coverage for themselves and their clients. Finding the right policy can be the difference between your business running smoothly or running down. READ MORE >>
Monday, November 18, 2019 A food truck isn't quite a restaurant, in the traditional sense. But, it's more than just a business on wheels. When it comes to liability, you need to consider that customers might get sick from what you serve if it is undercooked. It is very different from a delivery business, and you're going to need more than business insurance to cover it. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 Not all insurance policies need to be bought or held by the person named on the policy. Life insurance is an obvious example of a type of insurance that may be bought by one person, cover another person, and pay out to a third. However, home insurance needs to be purchased and held by the person who owns the home. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 Will general liability insurance cover claims of malicious prosecution? This term can apply to a variety of industries and in numerous situations. If you believe you are facing this type of claim, let your Dave Millet Insurance agent know. They will work with you to determine what level of negligence may be present. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 26, 2019 Here on the Louisiana Gulf Coast, we know just how devastating and expensive hurricanes — even of the lowest categories — can be. Hurricane Katrina, in 2005, caused an estimated $81 billion in property damage (with a total economic loss of $150 billion), and insurers paid an estimated $41 billion in property damage costs. READ MORE >>
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